
- Facilitate R & D in the field of sport and well-being, with a broad vision of intervention that allows the carrying out of studies in its various fields of scope and applicability

- Promote cooperation and exchange with other national and foreign research units for the internationalization of research and development of (multi, inter and transdisciplinary) R & D projects.

- Develop applied research and development projects that can range from simple research to the design, testing and production of new technologies and equipment that may be of academic, economic and social interest.

- Associate research with education, especially postgraduate, and practice of local development, orienting R & D to the needs of organizations

- Provide specific services within its scope of intervention

- Provide support to the training in Sports, Physical Activity and in Health Sciences that the institution offers.

- Involve students in R & D activities

- Increase the specific scientific production at the level of its scope of intervention

- Promote the organization of national and international scientific events.

- Strengthen the critical mass of the unit and favor the academic and professional progression of its members